what were the key issues at the center of the dred scott vs stanford case

The key issues at the center of the Dred Scott v. Stanford case were:

1. Slavery: The primary issue was whether Dred Scott, an enslaved African American man, was entitled to his freedom under the Constitution, as he had resided in free territory.

2. Jurisdiction and Citizenship: The Court needed to determine if Dred Scott, or any enslaved person, could be considered a citizen of the United States. This involved examining whether enslaved individuals had constitutional protections and rights, particularly in regard to property, as slaves were considered property under the law.

3. Federal vs State Power: The Court had to determine whether Congress had the authority to prohibit slavery in certain territories, as it raised questions about federal versus state power and the extent of Congress's authority to regulate slavery.

These key issues ultimately shaped the Court's decision and had profound implications for the institution of slavery and the rights of African Americans.