The works of “Cranes,” “Thoughts of Hanoi,” and “Tokyo” each investigate the effects of war; however, the selections are different. Firstly, in “[...],” war is addressed in the passage when [...] (page number). Contrastingly, in “[...],” war is dealt with in the passage when [...] (page number). This shows a difference in [...]. Overall, these works tackled the same subject, but differently.

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The works of “Cranes,” “Thoughts of Hanoi,” and “Tokyo” each investigate the effects of war; however, the selections are different. Firstly, in “Cranes,” war is addressed in the passage when the two childhood friends find themselves on opposite sides of the conflict, as seen on page 10. Contrastingly, in “Thoughts of Hanoi,” war is dealt with in the passage when the narrator describes the devastation caused by bombings, as mentioned on page 25. This shows a difference in perspective and approach towards war. Overall, these works tackled the same subject, but differently.