How do the jobs of people around you such as friends and family influence what you think of as possible future jobs for yourself? Why?

The jobs of people around us, including our friends and family, can greatly influence our perception of possible future jobs for ourselves. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Exposure and Awareness: Our friends and family provide us with firsthand exposure to their jobs, allowing us to better understand the nature of their work, the skills required, and the potential opportunities. This exposure helps expand our awareness about various career paths available to us.

2. Role Models: Observing the success and satisfaction that our friends or family members derive from their jobs can serve as inspiration and motivation, making us more inclined to consider similar paths. Having relatable role models can demonstrate that certain careers are attainable and foster ambition.

3. Knowledge Sharing: Friends and family members often share insights, experiences, and information about their professions, giving us a deeper understanding of different industries. This knowledge-sharing helps us gain a realistic understanding of the pros, cons, challenges, and potential rewards associated with certain careers.

4. Personal Recommendations: Friends and family members might recommend or suggest career options based on our interests, talents, and aptitudes. Their recommendations can influence our perception of what is attainable and align it with our own abilities and passions.

5. Emotional Influence: The emotional connections and relationships we have with our friends and family play a significant role in shaping our aspirations. When people we care about are fulfilled and happy in their careers, we may be more inclined to pursue similar paths to achieve personal satisfaction and maintain strong connections within our social circles.

However, it's important to remember that while the jobs of people around us can influence us, it is equally important to explore our own interests, passions, and aptitudes. Every individual has their unique strengths and aspirations, and it's crucial to consider these factors along with external influences when thinking about possible future jobs.