Together, the measures of BC and D equal 180, the angles have the following measures MB equals 25M. C. E equals 3X and MD equals 3 + 5. What are the measures of c n d

To find the measures of C and D, we need to solve for x.

- The sum of BC and D equals 180 degrees.
- MB equals 25M and C equals 3X.
- MD equals 3 + 5.

First, let's translate the given information into equations:
BC + D = 180 (Equation 1)
MB = 25M (Equation 2)
C = 3X (Equation 3)
MD = 3 + 5 (Equation 4)

Now, let's substitute the values from Equation 2, 3, and 4 into Equation 1:
25M + 3X + 8 = 180

To find the values of M and X, we need additional information or equations.