What is the simplified form of (3.25 × 103)(7.8 × 106) written in scientific notation? (1 point) Responses 2.535 × 1010 2.535 × 10 10 2.535 × 1018 2.535 × 10 18 2.535 × 1019 2.535 × 10 19 25.35 × 109

To multiply numbers written in scientific notation, you multiply the coefficients and add the exponents.

(3.25 × 10^3)(7.8 × 10^6) = (3.25 × 7.8)(10^3 × 10^6) = 25.35 × 10^(3+6) = 25.35 × 10^9

Therefore, the simplified form in scientific notation is 25.35 × 10^9.

The closest response is 25.35 × 10^9.