the length of a shadow of a building is 15 m the distance from the top of the building to the tip of the shadow is 25 m find the length of the building

We can use the concept of similar triangles to solve this problem. Let the length of the building be x.

According to the given information, we have the following triangle:

1. The length of the shadow of the building = 15 m
2. The distance from the top of the building to the tip of the shadow = 25 m

Now, we have two similar triangles:

Triangle 1: Building
Triangle 2: Shadow

The corresponding sides of these triangles are in proportion:

Length of the building / Length of the shadow = Distance from top of the building to tip of the shadow / Length of the shadow

x / 15 = 25 / 15

Cross-multiplying, we get:

x = (25 / 15) * 15

x = 25

Therefore, the length of the building is 25 meters.