How would reducing low-growing plants from an area impact a population of tortoises with two varieties of neck extension ability: short and long distance? (1 point)

Reducing low-growing plants from an area would likely have a greater impact on tortoises with short-distance neck extension ability compared to those with long-distance neck extension ability.

1. Short-distance neck extension tortoises: These tortoises rely on low-growing plants for their food source. If the low-growing plants are reduced from the area, the short-distance tortoises may have difficulty accessing their preferred food. This could lead to a decrease in their population size, as they may struggle to find sufficient food resources.

2. Long-distance neck extension tortoises: These tortoises have the ability to extend their necks over greater distances to reach taller vegetation. They are less reliant on low-growing plants and may have a wider range of food options available to them. Therefore, the reduction of low-growing plants from the area would have a smaller impact on their population. However, if the reduction of low-growing plants leads to a decrease in overall vegetation density, it could still indirectly affect their population by reducing the availability of suitable habitat or altering the food web dynamics.