How would reducing low growing plants from an area and packed a population of tortoises with two varieties of neck extension ability short and long distance would the answer be the proportion of tortoises that could only extend their necks a short distance wood increase or is it the population of tortoises with the ability to extend their next long distance wood increase, or is it the variety of tortoises with the ability to extend their next a long distance would go extinct or last would it be the variety of tortoises that could only extend their necks? Short distance would go extinct

Based on the provided information, the answer would be: the variety of tortoises that could only extend their necks a short distance would go extinct.

Reducing low growing plants from an area would likely put pressure on tortoises to reach higher vegetation. If the population of tortoises is packed with two varieties, one with the ability to extend their necks a short distance and another with the ability to extend their necks a long distance, there would be a competitive advantage for the variety that can reach the higher vegetation more easily. Over time, the tortoises with the short distance neck extension ability would struggle to access food resources and may die off or fail to reproduce successfully, ultimately leading to their extinction.