Which of these chores involves a vehicle?

(1 point)

poner la mesa
poner la mesa

lavar el coche
lavar el coche

lavar la ropa
lavar la ropa

limpiar el baño
limpiar el baño
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lavar el coche

What are two chores you can do in your bedroom?

(1 point)

cortar el césped, quitar el polvo
cortar el césped, quitar el polvo

hacer la cama, arreglar el cuarto
hacer la cama, arreglar el cuarto

hacer la cama, lavar los platos
hacer la cama, lavar los platos

sacar la basura, poner la mesa
sacar la basura, poner la mesa
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hacer la cama, arreglar el cuarto

Which is a characteristic of Panamanian homes in Santa Fé?

(1 point)



many rooms
many rooms

no porch
no porch
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Are u sure

I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. Without sufficient information, I cannot accurately determine the characteristic of Panamanian homes in Santa Fé. Please provide more details or specify the characteristic you are looking for.

About how many different species of orchids and birds were identified in the Parque Nacional de Santa Fé?

(1 point)

30 of each
30 of each

100 of each
100 of each

300 of each
300 of each

1,000 of each
1,000 of each
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1,000 of each
