Change the decimal to a fraction: 0.123123123….(1 point) Responses 123100 1 and 23 over 100 121310 12 and 13 tenths This decimal is Irrational and cannot be written as a fraction This decimal is Irrational and cannot be written as a fraction 1231000 123 over 1000 123999

To change the decimal 0.123123123... to a fraction, we can use the concept of repeating decimals.

Let x = 0.123123123...

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 1000, we get:

1000x = 123.123123123...

Subtracting the original equation from this, we get:

1000x - x = 123.123123123... - 0.123123123...

999x = 123

Dividing both sides by 999, we get:

x = 123/999

So, the fraction form of the decimal 0.123123123... is 123/999.