Jasmine rides the subway to work every day, a distance of 14 miles. The distance on the route map between the station by Jasmine's house and the station by her work is 8 inches. What is the scale of the map?

To find the scale of the map, we need to divide the distance on the map by the actual distance.

Distance on map: 8 inches
Actual distance: 14 miles

Scale = Distance on map / Actual distance

Scale = 8 inches / 14 miles

Simplify the fraction by converting miles to inches:

1 mile = 63,360 inches

Scale = 8 inches / 14 miles * 63,360 inches/mile

Scale = (8 * 63,360) / 14

Scale = 45,120 / 14

Scale = 3,222.8571428571

The scale of the map is approximately 3,222.9.