Reggie drew a scale drawing of a swimming pool. The scale of the drawing was 4 millimeters : 3 meters. The pool is 24 meters long in real life. How long is the pool in the drawing?

To find the length of the pool in the drawing, we need to use the scale.

If 4 millimeters in the drawing represent 3 meters in real life, then for every 3 meters in real life, there are 4 millimeters in the drawing.

Since the pool is 24 meters long in real life, we can set up a proportion:

3 meters in real life / 4 millimeters in the drawing = 24 meters in real life / x millimeters in the drawing

Cross multiplying, we get:

3 meters * x millimeters = 4 millimeters * 24 meters

3x = 96

x = 32

Therefore, the length of the pool in the drawing is 32 millimeters.