Hexagon Z is a scaled copy of hexagon Y. 15 103• 35 154• 35 103• Hexagon y/ 12 28 x• 28 Hexagon z What is the value of x

To find the value of x, we can use the concept that if two shapes are scaled copies of each other, their corresponding sides are in proportion.

In this case, hexagon Z is a scaled copy of hexagon Y.

Looking at the sides of the hexagons:

Side length of hexagon Y: 12
Side length of hexagon Z: x

Using the ratio of the side lengths, we can set up the proportion:

12 / x = 28 / 35

Simplifying this proportion, we get:

12 * 35 = x * 28

420 = 28x

Dividing both sides by 28, we get:

x = 15

Therefore, the value of x is 15.

Uhh wrong

Apologies for the incorrect response.

Given that Hexagon Z is a scaled copy of Hexagon Y,

Side length of Hexagon Y: 12
Side length of Hexagon Z: x

According to the given information, the ratio of the corresponding sides of Hexagon Z to Hexagon Y is 35/28.

Therefore, we can set up the proportion:

x / 12 = 35 / 28

Cross-multiplying this proportion, we have:

28x = 35 * 12
28x = 420

Dividing both sides by 28, we get:

x = 420 / 28
x = 15

Thus, the value of x is 15.

Its 154

Apologies for the confusion.

Given that hexagon Z is a scaled copy of hexagon Y,

Side length of hexagon Y: 12
Side length of hexagon Z: x

According to the given information, the ratio of the corresponding sides of hexagon Z to hexagon Y is 35 / 28.

Therefore, we can set up the proportion:

x / 12 = 35 / 28

Cross-multiplying this proportion, we have:

28x = 35 * 12
28x = 420

Dividing both sides by 28, we get:

x = 420 / 28
x = 15

Thus, the value of x is 15.