If a bottle has 25.4 flz and can fill like 3-4 60 oz cups how many bottles of it would be able to fill 60 cups

If a bottle has 25.4 fluid ounces (fl oz) and can fill 3-4 60 oz cups, we need to find out how many bottles would be able to fill 60 cups.

First, we calculate the total ounces in 1 cup: 60 oz/cup.

Next, we divide the total ounces in 1 bottle by the total ounces in 1 cup to find how many cups can be filled by 1 bottle: 25.4 fl oz / 60 oz/cup = 0.4233 cups.

Since 1 bottle can only fill 0.4233 cups, to fill 60 cups, we would need approximately 60 cups / 0.4233 cups/bottle = 141.8 bottles.

Therefore, we would need approximately 142 bottles to fill 60 cups.