What effect did the fugitive slave act have? Select all the apply it convinced northerners that slavery was immoral? It convinced Southerners that northerners would help return slaves. It convinced slaves that they were free to travel to the territories. It convinced the federal government that the issue of slavery could be peacefully resolved

The effects of the Fugitive Slave Act include:

- It convinced Northerners that slavery was immoral: This act, which required people in the North to assist in the capture and return of escaped slaves, led to increased opposition to slavery among Northerners who were previously indifferent or apathetic towards the issue.

- It convinced Southerners that Northerners would help return slaves: The Fugitive Slave Act was seen as a necessary provision by Southern slaveholders to protect their property rights and ensure the return of escaped slaves. It reinforced their belief that Northerners would assist in the enforcement of the act.

- It convinced the federal government that the issue of slavery could be peacefully resolved: The Compromise of 1850, which included the Fugitive Slave Act, was passed with the intention of settling the growing tensions between the North and South over the issue of slavery. It was believed that by implementing this more stringent fugitive slave law, the federal government could effectively manage the issue and maintain peace.

It did not convince slaves that they were free to travel to the territories: The Fugitive Slave Act punished those who harbored or assisted escaped slaves, and it allowed for their capture and return to their owners. This act, along with other slave codes, further restricted the freedom of movement for slaves and served as a reminder of their enslaved status.

Only select two answers of the answers that I provided

I apologize for the confusion. Based on your selections, the two effects of the Fugitive Slave Act would be:

- It convinced Northerners that slavery was immoral.
- It convinced Southerners that Northerners would help return slaves.