Why did Southern States secede? They believe they can be more economical pressurists without the north. They believe the union no longer represented their interests. The supreme court decided they were legally able to do so. They wanted to realign themselves with England

There were several reasons for the secession of Southern states during the American Civil War:

1. Slavery: The issue of slavery played a significant role in the secession. The Southern states relied heavily on slavery as an institution that supported their agricultural-based economy. They feared that the northern states, which were increasingly opposing slavery, would implement policies that could threaten their way of life.

2. States' Rights: Southern states believed in the concept of states' rights, which asserted that individual states had the power to nullify or ignore any federal laws they deemed unconstitutional. They felt that the northern states and the federal government were encroaching on their rights to govern themselves.

3. Economic Interests: Southern states were primarily agrarian, with a reliance on cash crops like cotton. They believed that they could better protect and promote their economic interests, including tariffs and trade policies, if they seceded from the United States and formed their own nation.

4. Political Representation: The South felt that the balance of power in the federal government was shifting against them. They believed that the northern-dominated Congress and presidency no longer represented their interests and that their influence within the Union was diminishing.

5. Cultural Differences: The Southern states had developed distinct cultural and social norms that they felt were not understood or respected by the northern states. This cultural divide contributed to the idea of secession as a means to preserve their way of life.

While there were some individuals in the South who desired closer relations with England, the primary motivations for secession were related to the issues mentioned above.

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The correct option from the ones you provided would be: "They believed the union no longer represented their interests."