In a parallelogram PQRS, angle QR= 25m, angle SR=18m angle PSR= 54 find the value of angle QPR

To find the value of angle QPR, we can use the fact that opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal.

Since angle SR = 18m, then angle QSR = 180° - 18° = 162° (opposite angles are equal).

Similarly, angle PSR = 54°, so angle PSQ = 180° - 54° = 126° (opposite angles are equal).

Finally, since angle QSR = 162° and angle PSQ = 126°, we can find angle QPR by subtracting these two angles from 180°:

angle QPR = 180° - angle QSR - angle PSQ
= 180° - 162° - 126°
= 108°.

Therefore, the value of angle QPR is 108°.