The monthly salary of Donald is 25% higher than that of Peter while the monthly salary of Peter is 25% lower than that of Teresa. It is given that the monthly salary of Donald is S33 360. The monthly salary of Teresa is how much?

Let's start by finding out how much Peter earns per month. If Donald earns S33,360 per month, which is 25% more than Peter's salary, then Peter's salary can be found by subtracting 25% of his salary from Donald's salary.

Let P = Peter's monthly salary
(1 - 25%)P = S33,360
0.75P = S33,360
P = S33,360 / 0.75
P = S44,480

Now, let's find out how much Teresa earns per month. If Peter earns S44,480 per month, which is 25% less than Teresa's salary, then Teresa's salary can be found by adding 25% of Peter's salary to Peter's salary.

Let T = Teresa's monthly salary
(1 + 25%)T = S44,480
1.25T = S44,480
T = S44,480 / 1.25
T = S35,584

Therefore, the monthly salary of Teresa is S35,584.