what does "~" mean in math?

posting here because google is GARBAGE and wont help

In mathematics, the symbol "~" usually represents negation or complementation. It is used to denote the logical negation or opposite of a statement or condition. It can also be used in set theory to represent the complement of a set.

explain like im 5

Sure! Imagine you have a number and you want to say the opposite of that number. You can use the "~" symbol to show that. So if you have the number 5, the opposite of 5 would be shown as "~5". It's like saying the exact opposite or the reverse of something.

now what about similar figures

Similar figures are shapes that have the same shape but may be different in size. They look like a "copy" of each other, just bigger or smaller. When we say two figures are similar, we use the symbol "~" to show that. It means that the two figures have the same shape, but one could be a bigger or smaller version of the other. It's like having two puzzle pieces that are shaped in exactly the same way, just one is big and the other is small.

what does "~" mean in similar figures

In the context of similar figures, the symbol "~" is used to indicate similarity. When we say two figures are similar, we can write it as Figure A ~ Figure B. This implies that the two figures have the same shape, but their sizes may be different. This symbol "~" is a shorthand way to show that the figures are similar and have proportional corresponding sides.