Which of the following is a technique that Post-Impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh used in Wheatfield with Crows to show the threat of a coming storm?

Wheatfield with Crows, painting by Vincent van Gogh, showing a wheat field with dark blue sky and crows flying

Question 14 options:

He used short, slashing brushstrokes in vibrant hues that intensify the effect of each other.

He lit the objects by using the dramatic tenebrism of Baroque artist Caravaggio.

He used intensely realistic colors that he witnessed in an advancing storm near his home.

He modeled the clouds by using chiaroscuro, or dramatic contrast between light and dark.

He modeled the clouds by using chiaroscuro, or dramatic contrast between light and dark.

The correct answer is: He used short, slashing brushstrokes in vibrant hues that intensify the effect of each other.