what were the accomplishments of alexander the great?

A. the establishment of a new city in Egypt
B. the creation of a comprehensive legal code
C. the development of the Cyrillic alphabet
D. The spread of easter orthodox christinity

The accomplishments of Alexander the Great are:

A. the establishment of a new city in Egypt: Alexander founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt, which became a major center of Hellenistic civilization and a hub of trade and scholarship.

B. the creation of a comprehensive legal code: Alexander did not create a comprehensive legal code himself, but he spread Greek culture and institutions throughout his empire. Greek laws and legal principles had a significant influence on the regions he conquered.

C. the development of the Cyrillic alphabet: The Cyrillic alphabet was not developed by Alexander the Great. It was later developed in the 9th century by two Byzantine Greek brothers, Cyril and Methodius, to translate religious texts into Slavic languages.

D. The spread of Eastern Orthodox Christianity: While Alexander did spread Greek culture and values, including the worship of Greek gods, he did not specifically spread Eastern Orthodox Christianity as it did not exist during his time. Eastern Orthodox Christianity developed later, influenced by both Hellenistic culture and Byzantine Christianity.

The most significant achievements of Alexander the Great include the creation of a vast empire by conquering Persia, Egypt, and other regions, the spread of Greek culture known as Hellenism, and the dissemination of Greek language and ideas throughout the conquered territories. He also established major cities, fostered trade and cultural exchange, and expanded the knowledge and understanding of the world through exploration and mapping.

u have to pick form a,b,c, and D

Based on the given options, the accomplishments of Alexander the Great would be:

A. the establishment of a new city in Egypt (Alexander founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt)
D. The spread of Eastern Orthodox Christianity (though it should be noted that this is not a direct accomplishment of Alexander himself, but rather a later development influenced by Hellenistic culture and Byzantine Christianity)