patrica earns R45,50 per hour babysitting her friend helps her and patrica effers to pay her half he earning.they babysit for 3 hourss and 45 minutes:how much would you pay per year for motivitamins?give the answer to the nearest cent

To calculate how much Patricia earns babysitting, we need to determine how many minutes are in 3 hours and 45 minutes.

There are 60 minutes in 1 hour, so we multiply 3 hours by 60 minutes/hour:

3 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 180 minutes

Then we add the remaining 45 minutes:

180 minutes + 45 minutes = 225 minutes

Now we divide 225 minutes by 60 to convert it back to hours:

225 minutes / 60 minutes/hour = 3.75 hours

So Patricia and her friend babysit for 3.75 hours.

Next, we need to calculate how much Patricia earns for 3.75 hours:

R45.50/hour * 3.75 hours = R170.63

Since Patricia offered to pay her friend half of her earnings, we need to divide R170.63 by 2:

R170.63 / 2 = R85.32

Therefore, Patricia would pay her friend R85.32 for the 3 hours and 45 minutes of babysitting.