what is a terminating decimal

A terminating decimal is a decimal number that ends or terminates after a finite number of digits. In other words, it is a decimal that does not repeat or go on infinitely. For example, 0.5, 3.75, and 0.125 are examples of terminating decimals.

Which number is a rational terminating decimal?(1 point)


A. 1/3

B. 5/11

C. √39

D. 7/8

E. √12

The rational terminating decimal is option B, 5/11.

A square garden has an area of 147 square feet.(2 points)

What is the closest approximate length of one of the sides?

To find the approximate length of one side of the square garden, we need to find the square root of its area.

Taking the square root of 147, we get approximately 12.124355.

Therefore, the closest approximate length of one side of the square garden is approximately 12.12 feet.

A square garden has an area of 147 square feet.

What is the approximate perimeter of the garden to find out how much fencing you would need to go around it?

To find the approximate perimeter of the square garden, we need to find the length of one side and then multiply it by 4 since all sides of a square are equal.

From our previous response, we found that the approximate length of one side of the square garden is 12.12 feet.

This means that the approximate perimeter of the garden would be 4 x 12.12 = 48.48 feet.

Therefore, you would need approximately 48.48 feet of fencing to go around the garden.