choose the correct solution and graph for the inequality 2x-2<-12 or 2x +3>7

To solve the first inequality, 2x - 2 < -12, we can begin by adding 2 to both sides:

2x - 2 + 2 < -12 + 2

This simplifies to:

2x < -10

Next, divide both sides by 2:

(2x)/2 < (-10)/2

Which gives us:

x < -5

For the second inequality, 2x + 3 > 7, we can subtract 3 from both sides:

2x + 3 - 3 > 7 - 3


2x > 4

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 2:

(2x)/2 > (4)/2

This results in:

x > 2

Now we can plot these inequalities on a number line:

On the number line, mark an open circle at -5 to represent x < -5.

Next, mark an open circle at 2 to represent x > 2.

Since the first inequality is less than -5, we should shade to the left of -5.

Since the second inequality is greater than 2, we should shade to the right of 2.

The correct graph will show a shaded section to the left of -5 and a shaded section to the right of 2, with open circles at -5 and 2.

Here is the graph:
Number line graph:
-5 2