How are exponential growth and decay present in the real world? Give at least 2 examples for exponential growth and 2 examples of exponential decay. And write like fifth grader.

Exponential growth means when something grows really fast! Imagine if you have 2 bunnies, and each bunny has 2 babies every month. After a month, you will have 4 bunnies, and the next month you will have 8 bunnies. It keeps growing and growing faster and faster! This is called exponential growth.

Here are two examples of exponential growth in the real world:
1. Population Growth: Just like bunnies, when there are more people, they can have babies and the population grows really fast.
2. Social Media: When something becomes popular on social media, more and more people start using it, and the number of users grows really quickly.

Exponential decay is the opposite of growth. It means when something decreases or gets smaller very quickly. Imagine you have a hot cup of cocoa, and you leave it out for a while. As time passes, the heat decreases and eventually becomes cold. This is called exponential decay.

Here are two examples of exponential decay in the real world:
1. Radioactive Decay: Some materials, like uranium, break down over time and release radioactivity. The amount of radioactivity decreases rapidly as time goes by.
2. Temperature: If you have a hot pizza and leave it sitting out, it will cool down quickly at first, and then the rate at which it cools down slows down. However, the temperature will keep decreasing until it becomes the same as the room temperature.

So, exponential growth is like when something grows really fast, but exponential decay is when something decreases quickly.