the United States spends over $20 billion a year on space exploration through NASA do you think that this is been worth the cost? in three to five sentences, provide two specific examples of things we have learned from space exploration, and explain how these examples influence your opinion. (4 points)

In my opinion, the cost of over $20 billion per year on space exploration by NASA is undoubtedly worth it. Firstly, the knowledge gained from space exploration has significantly advanced our understanding of the universe and our place in it. For instance, through the Hubble Space Telescope, we have been able to observe distant galaxies and phenomena, deepening our knowledge of astronomical processes. Secondly, space exploration has yielded technological advancements that have had profound impacts on various fields. Satellites, initially developed for space exploration, now facilitate GPS navigation, weather forecasting, and telecommunications, impacting our daily lives.

These two examples strongly influence my opinion on the worth of space exploration. The acquired knowledge about our vast universe satisfies our innate curiosity and pushes the boundaries of scientific discovery. Furthermore, space technologies developed as a byproduct of exploration have enhanced various domains, including communication and weather sciences. Such advancements have improved the quality of life and opened up new possibilities for innovation, making the investment in space exploration ultimately worth the cost.