bot can help

Yes, a bot can help with various tasks. Bots are computer programs designed to automate tasks or provide information and assistance to users. They can help with customer support, answer frequently asked questions, provide recommendations, process orders, schedule appointments, and much more. Bots can be programmed to follow specific rules and algorithms to perform tasks efficiently and accurately.

True or False The Osage Indians were a sedentary tribe, which means they moved from place to place to find more resources.

False. The Osage Indians were not a sedentary tribe. They were a semi-nomadic tribe, meaning they did move, but their movement patterns were not solely based on resource availability. The Osage would move within their established territory based on seasonal hunting, gathering, and agricultural needs. However, they did have established villages and agricultural practices, which suggests a settled lifestyle to some extent.

true or false Kiowa Chief Satanta wanted to persuade the U.S. government not to build reservations.

True. Kiowa Chief Satanta, also known as "White Bear," was a prominent leader who opposed the U.S. government's efforts to establish reservations for Native American tribes. He argued against the confinement of tribes to reservations and advocated for maintaining their traditional way of life. He believed that the land belonged to all and resisted the forced relocations imposed on Native American tribes by the U.S. government.

George Sibley’s report on the Osage is not a credible source.(1 point)Responses


False. The statement "George Sibley's report on the Osage is not a credible source" is an opinion and cannot be determined as true or false. The credibility of a source depends on various factors, such as the author's expertise, accuracy, and unbiased perspective. Without specific information about the report or the reasons for questioning its credibility, it is not possible to judge its reliability.

When you ask who created a source and whether the creator has a particular opinion, you are evaluating the creator's point of view.(1 point)Responses true or false

True. When asking about the creator of a source and whether they have a particular opinion, you are evaluating the creator's point of view or perspective. Understanding the background, biases, and expertise of the creator can help evaluate the credibility and potential bias of the source. It is an important aspect of critical analysis when assessing the reliability and trustworthiness of information.

All primary sources are credible because they were written by people who were alive at the time.

true or false