Our restaurants are busy! What strategy do you use to remain calm under pressure?

Remaining calm under pressure is crucial in a busy restaurant environment. Here are some strategies you can try:

1. Prioritize and Organize: Start by prioritizing tasks and listing them in order of importance. This will help you focus and prevent feeling overwhelmed.

2. Take Deep Breaths: Deep breathing exercises can have an instant calming effect. When you feel stressed, take a moment to take a few slow, deep breaths to relax your body and mind.

3. Stay Positive and Solution-Oriented: Maintain a positive mindset and focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems. Remind yourself that challenges are temporary and can be overcome.

4. Delegate and Communicate: If possible, delegate tasks to your team members and effectively communicate expectations. Sharing the workload will help lighten the pressure and allow everyone to contribute to a smooth operation.

5. Practice Time Management: Efficiently manage your time by setting realistic goals and sticking to schedules. Avoid multitasking excessively and focus on completing one task at a time to ensure quality work.

6. Stay Organized: Keep your workspace clean and organized to minimize confusion and increase efficiency. Knowing where things are and having a systematic approach can help reduce stress.

7. Take Short Breaks: Schedule short breaks during busy shifts to give yourself a chance to recharge. Step away from the chaos momentarily and do something enjoyable or relaxing.

8. Seek Support: Reach out to your colleagues or managers for support when feeling overwhelmed. Being able to rely on and communicate with your team can help distribute the pressure and find solutions together.

9. Practice Self-Care: Take care of yourself outside of work by engaging in activities you enjoy. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, exercise, and spend time doing things you love to help maintain resilience.

10. Learn from Challenging Situations: Reflect on challenging situations and analyze what could have been done differently. Use these experiences as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Remember that it's normal to feel pressure, but implementing these strategies can help you remain calm and maintain a smooth operation in a busy restaurant environment.