Use the table to answer the question.

Monday 12 hours
Tuesday 8 hours
Wednesday 8 hours
Thursday 8 hours
Friday 10 hours
Garrett works at the pizza shop. He gets paid $14.00 per hour if he works 8 hours or less in a day. If Garrett works more than 8 hours in a day, he receives an extra $2.00 for every hour he works over 8 hours. For example, if Garrett works 10 hours, he receives $14.00 per hour for the first 8 hours and $16.00 per hour for the last 2 hours. The piecewise function represents the amount of money Garrett will make each day if he works x hours for the day. The table provides the hours Garrett worked each day for the week. Use the table and piecewise function to determine how much he will make for the week.

f(x)={14x,16x−16, 0≤x≤88<x≤24

(1 point)

He will make $46.
He will make $46.

He will make $656.
He will make $656.

He will make $644.
He will make $644.

He will make $736.
He will make $736.

To determine how much Garrett will make for the week, we need to calculate the amount of money he will make each day and then add up those amounts.

For Monday, Garrett worked 12 hours, so we need to use the piecewise function formula for 12 hours:

f(12) = 16(12) - 16 = 192 - 16 = $176

For Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Garrett worked 8 hours each day, so we will use the piecewise function formula for 8 hours:

f(8) = 14(8) = $112

For Friday, Garrett worked 10 hours, so we need to use the piecewise function formula for 10 hours:

f(10) = 16(10) - 16 = 160 - 16 = $144

Now we can add up all the daily amounts to find the total for the week:

$176 + $112 + $112 + $112 + $144 = $656

Therefore, Garrett will make $656 for the week.