The average age of 8 girl is 15 and the average age of 6 girl is 13 find the age of other two girls with equal age

Let's represent the age of the two girls with x.

To find the average age of the remaining two girls, we can use the formula:

Average age = (sum of all ages)/(total number of girls)

For the first group of 8 girls:
Average age = 15
Total age of the 8 girls = 15 * 8 = 120

For the second group of 6 girls:
Average age = 13
Total age of the 6 girls = 13 * 6 = 78

Now, let's consider the total age of all the girls:
Total age = Total age of the first group + Total age of the second group + Total age of the two remaining girls

Total age = 120 + 78 + x + x

Since the total number of girls is 8 + 6 + 2 = 16:
Average age = Total age / Total number of girls
15 = (120 + 78 + 2x) / 16

Multiplying both sides by 16:
240 = 198 + 2x

Subtracting 198 from both sides:
42 = 2x

Dividing both sides by 2:
x = 21

Therefore, the age of the two remaining girls is 21.