The area of a playground is 108 yd². The width of the playground is 3 yards longer than its length.

Find the length and width of the playground.
(1 point)

length = 12 yd, width = 9 yd

length = 9 yd, width = 12 yd

length = 12 yd, width = 15 yd

length = 15 yd, width = 12 yd

Let x be the length of the playground.

The width of the playground is x+3.
The area of the playground is x(x+3) = x²+3x.
According to the problem, x²+3x=108.
x=-12 or x=9.
Since the length cannot be negative, the length of the playground is 9 yards.
The width is 9+3=12 yards.
Answer: length = 9 yd, width = 12 yd.