to determine the type of credible sources that you need for evediince what should you keep in mind a. ur claim b.your facts c.ur conclusion and d.your audince

To determine the type of credible sources needed for evidence, you should keep in mind:

a. Your claim: Consider the specific claim or argument you are making and identify sources that directly support or relate to that claim.

b. Your facts: Look for sources that provide accurate and reliable information, preferably backed by credible research or expert opinions. Ensure the sources have strong evidence to support the facts you are presenting.

c. Your conclusion: Seek sources that contribute to building a logical and persuasive conclusion. Check if the sources' information aligns with the overall thesis or conclusion you are trying to establish.

d. Your audience: Consider the audience you are targeting with your evidence. Determine if the sources you choose are appropriate and understandable for that specific audience. Tailoring the sources to suit the intended audience can enhance the credibility and effectiveness of your evidence.