Three angles have measures that add to 180°. They have the following angle measures: m/ABC = (x6), m/CBD = (4x14), and m∠DBE=52. What is the equation to solve for 2? (1 point)

The equation to solve for 2 is:

6x + 4x + 52 = 180

just gimme the correct answer PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I apologize for misunderstanding your question. To solve for x, you need to set up the equation using the given information:

6x + 4x + 52 = 180

Combine like terms:
10x + 52 = 180

Subtract 52 from both sides:
10x = 128

Divide both sides by 10:
x = 12.8

Therefore, the equation to solve for x is 10x + 52 = 180.