Exposition: (Tell me the setting of the story. Introduce the characters and tell me about them- what do they look like? What are some of their traits? Etc.)

Rising Action: (Tell me what the conflict of the story is- what is the problem that needs to be solved?)

Climax: (Tell me about what happens when the main character comes face-to-face with conflict of the story. How do they overcome it? Or how does the conflict overcome them?)

Falling Action: (Tell me about the aftermath of the main character’s battle with the conflict of the story)

Resolution: (Emphasize what issues have been solved and what issues have not. Are all of them solved and everyone lives happily ever after? Are none of them solved and the characters now live in chaos? Etc.)

25 sentences minimum; no sentence maximum.

Include vault boy

Don't make a story sound scary


The story is set in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout, specifically in the wasteland of the Capital Wasteland. The land is barren and desolate, with ruins of buildings and a constant sense of danger. The main character is a survivor named Sarah, a young woman in her mid-twenties. She has long, dark hair and piercing blue eyes. Sarah is resourceful and determined, always looking for ways to stay alive in the harsh wasteland. She carries a trusty hunting rifle and wears a tattered vault suit, a remnant of the Vault she once called home. Another character is Vault Boy, the iconic mascot of the Fallout series. He is a cheerful and optimistic character, with bright blonde hair and a perpetual thumbs-up gesture, symbolizing the spirit of the vaults.

Rising Action:
The conflict of the story arises when Sarah's home, Vault 101, is suddenly attacked by a band of raiders. In the chaos, Sarah's parents are captured and taken hostage. Determined to rescue them, she embarks on a perilous journey across the Capital Wasteland, facing various dangers, such as mutated creatures and rival factions. Along the way, she encounters Vault Boy, who accompanies her as a guide and source of encouragement. As they continue their journey, they learn that the raiders have formed an alliance with a powerful and ruthless raider leader known as the Scourge. Sarah realizes that stopping the Scourge is the only way to rescue her parents and bring peace to the wasteland.

In a climactic showdown, Sarah and Vault Boy infiltrate the Scourge's stronghold, facing a horde of raiders guarding the captured prisoners. Despite being outnumbered, Sarah's determination and combat skills allow her to defeat the raiders one by one. Vault Boy, using his knowledge of vault technology, helps Sarah navigate the complex layout of the stronghold. Finally, they confront the Scourge himself, a towering and menacing figure. Sarah uses her wits and agility to outmaneuver him, disarming him and rescuing her parents. With the Scourge defeated, the prisoners are freed and Sarah's mission is accomplished.

Falling Action:
The aftermath of the battle sees Sarah and her parents reunited, their gratitude and relief palpable. The wasteland, however, remains a dangerous place, and they realize that their journey is far from over. They decide to join forces with other survivors and form a community dedicated to rebuilding and restoring hope. Using her knowledge gained from the journey, Sarah becomes a leader, inspiring others with her bravery and determination. Vault Boy remains by her side, serving as a symbol of hope and a reminder of their shared adventures.

While the immediate conflict with the raiders and the Scourge has been resolved, many issues remain unresolved in the wasteland. Sarah and her community continue their efforts to eradicate raiders, establish trade routes, and rebuild society. They face numerous challenges and setbacks but remain hopeful. The story ends with the realization that the wasteland may never fully be restored to its former glory, but through their perseverance and unity, Sarah and her companions bring a glimmer of hope to the bleakness of the Capital Wasteland.