Answer each question and round your answer to the nearest tenth

Georgetown and franklin are 9.7 in apart on a map that has a scale of 1.1 in : 15 mi. How far apart are the real cities?

To find the real distance between Georgetown and Franklin, we can use the scale given in the problem.

If 1.1 inches on the map represents 15 miles, we can set up a proportion to find how many inches represent the real distance between the cities:

1.1 in / 15 mi = 9.7 in / x mi

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1.1 * x mi = 15 * 9.7 in

Solving for x, the real distance between the cities in miles:

x = (15 * 9.7) / 1.1 = 132.27

So, the real cities are approximately 132.3 miles apart.