Answer each question and round your answer to the nearest tenth

I a 42.9 ft tall flagpole casts a 253.1 ft long shadow then how long is the shadow that a 6.2 ft tall women casts?

To find the length of the shadow cast by the 6.2 ft tall woman, we can set up a proportion using the heights and lengths of the shadows.

Let "x" represent the length of the shadow cast by the woman.

The proportion can be set up as:

42.9 ft (length of flagpole shadow) / 253.1 ft (length of flagpole) = x (length of woman's shadow) / 6.2 ft (height of woman)

Cross-multiplying, we get:

42.9 ft * 6.2 ft = 253.1 ft * x

266.58 = 253.1x

Dividing both sides by 253.1, we have:

x = 266.58 / 253.1

x ≈ 1.05 ft

Therefore, the shadow cast by the 6.2 ft tall woman is approximately 1.1 ft long.