In parallelogram DEFG, DH = x+1, HF=3y, GH = 3z 4, and HE = 5y+1. Find the values of x and y. The diagram is not drawn to scale.

Since DEFG is a parallelogram, opposite sides are congruent.

Therefore, DH = FG = x + 1.
HF = GE = 3y.
GH = DE = 3z + 4.
HE = DF = 5y + 1.

We can set up two equations using the given information:

x + 1 = 5y + 1 (equation 1)
3z + 4 = 3y (equation 2)

From equation 1, we can simplify by subtracting 1 from both sides:

x = 5y.

Substitute x = 5y into equation 2:

3z + 4 = 3y.

Since the values of x and y are requested, we cannot solve for z with the given information.