Which type of eclipse is this? Explain what this looks like from Earth. it goes sun earth moon

Based on the given sequence "sun earth moon," this corresponds to a lunar eclipse.

During a lunar eclipse, the Earth is precisely between the Sun and the Moon, and the Moon passes through the Earth's shadow. From Earth, this event appears as the Moon moving into the Earth's shadow, resulting in a dimming or darkening of the Moon's usual brightness. The shadow cast by the Earth creates a dusky red or coppery color on the Moon's surface. This phenomenon is often referred to as a "blood moon."

During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon can completely disappear from view for a short period. However, even during a partial lunar eclipse, a portion of the Moon remains visible, usually glowing red due to the scattering of sunlight through the Earth's atmosphere.

It is worth noting that this description is consistent with a lunar eclipse as seen from a viewer on Earth. However, if the sequence were provided in relation to a celestial event viewed from outer space, it would represent a solar eclipse.