Dani has only 1/2

- of a cup of baking mix.
She needs 3/4
of a cup for one batch of
Which solution shows how much of a batch of muffins Dani can make?

To find out how much of a batch of muffins Dani can make, we need to compare the amount of baking mix she has with the amount she needs.

Let's calculate:

Dani has 1/2 of a cup of baking mix.
She needs 3/4 of a cup for one batch of muffins.

To compare the two amounts, we need to find a common denominator. The least common denominator for 2 and 4 is 4.

Converting 1/2 to have the same denominator as 3/4:

1/2 * 2/2 = 2/4

Now we can compare:

2/4 (amount Dani has) < 3/4 (amount needed for one batch of muffins)

From this comparison, we can conclude that Dani does not have enough baking mix to make a full batch of muffins.