George built a rectangular pen for his rabbit such that the length is 5 it less than twice the width. If the perimeter is 146 ft, what are the dimensions of the pen

Let the width of the pen be x.

Accordingly, the length is 2x - 5.
The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula: P = 2(l + w), where P is the perimeter, l is the length, and w is the width.
Plugging in the given values: 146 = 2((2x - 5) + x)
Simplifying the equation: 146 = 2(3x - 5)
Expanding the brackets: 146 = 6x - 10
Adding 10 to both sides of the equation: 156 = 6x
Dividing both sides of the equation by 6: x = 26
The width of the pen is x = <<26=26>>26 ft.
The length of the pen is 2x - 5 = 2(26) - 5 = 52 - 5 = <<2*26-5=47>>47 ft. Answer: \boxed{26 \text{ ft}, \ 47 \text{ ft}}.