Write an informal expository essay about overcoming obstacles.

Body one must include a:
Topic sentence
Specific example
An explanation
And a summary

Body two must include a:
Topic sentence
Specific example
An explanation
And a summary

Body One:

Overcoming obstacles is a fundamental aspect of life that allows individuals to grow, develop, and achieve success. One of the most significant obstacles I have faced involved my struggle with public speaking. As someone who was naturally shy and introverted, the thought of standing in front of a crowd and delivering a speech filled me with overwhelming anxiety. However, I knew that if I wanted to succeed academically and professionally, I had to confront and overcome this obstacle.

A specific example of how I overcame my fear of public speaking was during my college years when I was required to give a presentation in front of my entire class. This presentation accounted for a significant portion of my final grade, and the pressure to deliver a compelling and coherent speech felt daunting. Despite my nerves, I committed myself to preparing extensively by researching, organizing my thoughts, and practicing my delivery. I sought advice and guidance from my professors and classmates and solicited their feedback on my presentation skills.

Through consistent practice and deliberate exposure to public speaking situations, I gradually started to build my confidence. On the day of the presentation, although nervous, I was able to maintain composure and deliver my speech articulately. While it was not perfect, the positive feedback I received from my classmates and professor served as a validation of my hard work and perseverance.

In summary, overcoming my fear of public speaking was a significant obstacle in my life. However, by practicing and seeking support, I was able to conquer this fear, develop my communication skills, and gain confidence in expressing myself in front of others. This experience taught me the importance of facing challenges head-on and the immense personal growth that can be achieved through determination and resilience.

Body Two:

Another obstacle that I have encountered and successfully conquered involved my struggle with time management. Similar to many individuals, I found myself overwhelmed with multiple responsibilities and commitments, often feeling like I was constantly running out of time. This challenge not only affected my academic performance but also had an impact on my personal life and overall well-being.

A specific example of how I overcame my time management obstacle was during my final year of high school when I found myself juggling school coursework, extracurricular activities, and part-time employment. Determined to achieve balance and succeed academically, I recognized the need for effective time management strategies. I started by creating a detailed schedule, allocating specific time slots for studying, completing assignments, attending extracurricular activities, and taking breaks to relax and recharge.

To further enhance my time management skills, I also learned to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. This involved identifying high-priority assignments and goals and tackling them first, allowing me to complete essential tasks without feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, I sought assistance from my teachers and peers, seeking advice on effective study techniques and time management strategies.

Over time, I witnessed a remarkable improvement in my ability to manage my time effectively. By adhering to my schedule, implementing prioritization techniques, and seeking support, I was able to fulfill my commitments and achieve academic success. Moreover, I became more efficient in my work and experienced reduced stress levels, which positively impacted my personal life as well.

In summary, overcoming my time management obstacle required a combination of careful planning, discipline, and seeking guidance from others. By implementing effective time management strategies and prioritization techniques, I was able to enhance my productivity, reduce stress levels, and achieve a healthy balance between my academic, personal, and professional life. This experience taught me the importance of organization, discipline, and seeking support to overcome obstacles and achieve success.