A cell phone company charges a flat fee plus an additional charge per minute. If the graph contains the points (0,15)

and (50,90)
, what is the fee the company charges per minute? Give your answer in exact change.(1 point)
The charge per minute is $

To find the flat fee charged by the company, we can use the point (0,15). This point represents a situation where 0 minutes were used, and the charge was $15.

So, the flat fee charged by the company is $15.

To find the additional charge per minute, we can subtract the flat fee ($15) from the total charge at 50 minutes (point (50,90)) to get the additional charge for 50 minutes.

90 - 15 = 75

So, the additional charge for 50 minutes is $75.

To find the charge per minute, we can divide the additional charge by the number of minutes:

75 / 50 = $1.50

Therefore, the fee the company charges per minute is $1.50.