Which expression is correctly developed to use the power rule of exponents?

A. (7^4)^8
B. 12^9
C. (-5)^0
D. (7^8) • (7^10)
Which of the following correctly use the power rule of exponents in the expression (10^9)^7?
A. 90^7
B. 10^16
C. 10^2
D. 10^63
If the expression 4^10 was simplified, using the power rule of exponents what an equivalent expanded expression?
A. (4^5)^2
B. 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 • 4
C. (4^2)^8
D. (4^12)^2
Use the power rule of exponents to create an expression equivalent to (15^6)^2
A. 15^3
B. 15^8
C. 15^4
D. 15^12
What exponent would make the two expressions equivalent (3^3)^x = 3^24?
A. 8
B. 21
C. 15
D. 27

A. (7^4)^8

B. (10^9)^7 = 10^(9*7) = 10^63

A. (4^10) = (4^2)^5

D. (15^6)^2 = 15^(6*2) = 15^12

C. (3^3)^x = 3^24. By equating the exponents, we have 3x = 24. Solving for x, we get x = 8.

Therefore, the correct answers are:
A. (7^4)^8
B. 10^63
A. (4^10) = (4^2)^5
D. (15^6)^2 = 15^12
C. 8