Which of the following is the best explanation for the collapse of the Soviet Union?

There isn't a single "best" explanation for the collapse of the Soviet Union as it was a complex event with multiple contributing factors. However, some key explanations commonly discussed by historians and scholars include:

1. Economic Issues: The Soviet Union faced a stagnant economy, inefficient central planning, and widespread corruption, resulting in widespread shortages of essential goods. This economic decline led to a loss of public faith in the system.
2. Political Factors: The centralized and repressive nature of Soviet rule stifled political dissent and limited individual freedoms. As the citizenry grew more discontented with the regime, demands for political reforms and greater political participation increased.
3. Nationalism: The Soviet Union was a multinational state, and nationalist sentiments became increasingly popular among individual republics as they sought greater autonomy. The rise of nationalism further weakened the centralized Soviet authority.
4. Gorbachev's Reforms: Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev implemented reforms aimed at revitalizing the economy and political system, such as Glasnost (openness) and Perestroika (restructuring). These reforms inadvertently led to greater political freedoms, which further fueled demands for independence across the republics.
5. The Baltic States Example: The successful independence movement of the Baltic states, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, served as an inspiration for other Soviet republics and demonstrated that independence was possible, encouraging other regions to follow suit.
6. Weakening of Soviet Control: The Soviet Union's influence and control over its satellite states in Eastern Europe declined in the late 1980s, leading to revolutions in those countries that broke away from Soviet dominance. This further weakened the Soviet Union's position on the global stage.
7. Economic and Military Burden: The Soviet Union's heavy military spending to compete with the United States during the Cold War strained the economy. The country's inability to sustain large military operations coupled with a failing economy added to the overall collapse.
8. External Factors: Various international factors, such as the arms race, United States' advocacy for democracy and human rights, and NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe, also contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

It's important to note that while these explanations shed light on the collapse of the Soviet Union, the process was complex and multifaceted, with each factor influencing and interacting with others.