Fill in the blank to write a one variable, one-step equation for the following information: Matthew has twice as many quarters as dimes. Matthew has 20 dimes.(1 point) ?q=20

The answer is q = 40

what goes in the question mark

The correct one-variable, one-step equation for the given information is:

q = 2(20)

Fill in the blank to write a one variable, one-step equation for the following information: Matthew has twice as many quarters as dimes. Matthew has 20 dimes.(1 point) ?q=20

fill the question mark behind the q

The answer is ?q = 2(20)

your no help

I apologize for the confusion. The correct equation is:

q = 2d

In this case, since Matthew has 20 dimes, we can substitute d with 20:

q = 2(20)

So, the correct equation is:

q = 40


I apologize for the confusion earlier. If the question mark is placed behind the q, the correct equation would be:

q = 20
