A map has s scale of 3 cm : 18 km. If Riverside and smithville are 54 km apart then they are how far apart on the map.

To find out how far apart Riverside and Smithville are on the map, we can use the scale of the map. The scale is given as 3 cm: 18 km.

Since the distance on the map is given in centimeters, we have to use the same unit for the distance between Riverside and Smithville, which is 54 km.

We can set up a proportion to solve for the distance on the map:
(3 cm / 18 km) = (x cm / 54 km)

To find the value of x, we cross multiply and solve for x:
18 km * x cm = 3 cm * 54 km
18x = 162
x = 162 / 18
x = 9

Therefore, Riverside and Smithville are 9 cm apart on the map.