Find the gross earnings for Janet Dias who worked 42 hours as an

assembly line worker at Cambridge Motors. She is paid on an hourly wage
plus overtime for each hour worked over 40 each week. Overtime is paid
at a rate of 1 1/2 times hourly wage. Her hourly wage is $7.10

To find the gross earnings for Janet Dias, we need to calculate her regular hours and overtime hours separately.

Regular hours:
Janet worked 40 hours, so her regular hours are 40.

Overtime hours:
Janet worked 42 hours in total, so she worked 42 - 40 = 2 overtime hours.

Hourly wage:
Janet's hourly wage is $7.10.

Overtime rate:
The overtime rate is 1 1/2 times the hourly wage. We can calculate it by multiplying the hourly wage by 1.5:
Overtime rate = $7.10 * 1.5 = $10.65.

Calculating gross earnings for regular hours:
Gross regular earnings = Regular hours * Hourly wage = 40 * $7.10 = $<<40*7.1=284>>284.

Calculating gross earnings for overtime hours:
Gross overtime earnings = Overtime hours * Overtime rate = 2 * $10.65 = $<<2*10.65=21.30>>21.30.

Calculating total gross earnings:
Total gross earnings = Gross regular earnings + Gross overtime earnings = $284 + $21.30 = $<<284+21.30=305.30>>305.30.

Therefore, Janet Dias' gross earnings for working 42 hours at Cambridge Motors is $305.30.