how much force must he exert to the lift the loaded bar and overcome the force of gravity

To determine the amount of force required to lift a loaded bar and overcome the force of gravity, you need to know the weight of the loaded bar. The weight of an object is the force due to gravity acting on it and it can be calculated using the formula:

Weight = mass x gravity

Where mass is the mass of the loaded bar and gravity is the acceleration due to gravity (which is approximately 9.8 m/s² on the surface of the Earth).

Once you know the weight of the loaded bar, the force required to lift it and overcome gravity is equal to its weight.

A group of extraterrestrial travel from the moon to earth to train. How to mount force the exert to move change on earth?

The force to move on the earth is less than the force you need to move on the moon
The force would need to be greater, so they would not perform as well
The force would be less so they would perform at a higher level
The force would be the same

The force required to move on Earth would be the same as the force required to move on the moon. The force needed to move an object is determined by its weight, which is the product of its mass and the acceleration due to gravity. Although the acceleration due to gravity is different on the moon compared to Earth, the weight of an object remains the same. Therefore, the force required to move on Earth would be the same as it was on the moon.