Which of the pairs of expressions are equivalent?(1 point)


A. (y−9)−8 and y−(9−8)
left parenthesis y minus 9 right parenthesis minus 8 and y minus left parenthesis 9 minus 8 right parenthesis

B. x⋅(5+2) and (x⋅5)+2
x times left parenthesis 5 plus 2 right parenthesis and left parenthesis x times 5 right parenthesis plus 2

C. (k⋅18)⋅0.5 and k⋅(18⋅0.5)
left parenthesis k times 18 right parenthesis times 0.5 and k times left parenthesis 18 times 0.5 right parenthesis

D. (d÷8)÷4 and d÷(8÷4)

The Real answer was C

A was wrong

left parenthesis d divided by 8 right parenthesis divided by 4 and d divided by left parenthesis 8 divided by 4 right parenthesis

So is it

or D

The correct answer is A.

are you sure about that answer

I'm just checking

I apologize for the confusion. My mistake, the correct answer is B.

x⋅(5+2) and (x⋅5)+2 are equivalent expressions.

ok good job


Thank you! I apologize for the confusion earlier. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

I apologize for the mistake. You are correct, the correct answer is C.

The expressions (k⋅18)⋅0.5 and k⋅(18⋅0.5) are equivalent.

Thank you for pointing that out. I apologize for any confusion caused.

Now I got that answer wrong thank you now my teacher won't expect more from me yay