Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided. Find m∠1 and m∠3 in the kite. The diagram is not drawn to scale

Without a diagram provided, it is difficult to determine the specific angles of the kite. In a kite, the angles formed by the intersecting diagonals are typically congruent. Therefore, one approach to finding the measures of angles 1 and 3 is to identify a pair of intersecting diagonals in the kite and determine their angles.

Let's assume that the diagonals intersect at point O. Label the angles formed by the diagonals as follows:

2 ---O---1

Since the diagonals intersect, angles 1 and 3 are vertical angles and hence congruent. Therefore, if we determine the measure of angle 1 (m∠1), we can conclude that m∠3 is also equal to m∠1.

To find the measurement of ∠1, we can consider one of the diagonals as a transversal cutting the other diagonal. Let's assume that diagonal 2 intersects diagonal 4 at point O. Then, we can use the properties of alternate interior angles to find the measurement of ∠1.

2 ---O---1

In this case, ∠3 is an alternate interior angle with ∠1. Therefore, m∠3 = m∠1.

Please provide a diagram or additional information if you would like a more specific solution.